Exciting New Publications from Shearer

Professor Samuel Shearer offers up exciting new publications in 2020!

The first article "The City is Burning! Street Economies and the Juxtacity of Kigali, Rwanda" is in this quarter's issue of the Journal Urban Forum. It is about street economies, gender, policing, and urban branding in Kigali.  Urban Forum is an international, interdisciplinary journal of urban studies that focuses on (for lack of a better term) the Global South.  And the Second article "Revanchist Kigali" appears in the just released Palgrave volume Gentrification Around the World, edited by gentrification studies heavy-hitters Judith DeSena and Jerome Krase.  Gentrification Around the World interrogates the relevance of gentrification theory for critically examining the processes and politics of urban displacement in cities that have historically been left off the map of gentrification studies--cities like Kigali, Rwanda.