After receiving well-deserved recognition, Dr. Manditch-Prottas looks ahead to a productive new year.
Dr. Zachary Manditch-Prottas has won the Modern Language Association/GLQ Caucus’ Crompton-Noll Prize for best article of the year in LGBTQ Studies for his essay “Meeting at the Watchtower: Eldridge Cleaver, James Baldwin’s No Name in the Street and Racializing Homophobic Vernacular,” which appeared in African American Review Vol 52, No 2 (Summer 2019). The award will be presented to him at the upcoming 2021 MLA Convention. Professor Manditch-Prottas’ article also received Honorable Mention for the African American Review’s annual Joe Weixlmann Prize for best essay on 20th- and 21st-century literature. Deeply honored and humbled by these awards Dr. Manditch-Prottas will continue his scholarly production in 2021 with forthcoming articles in The Black Scholar and African American Review as well as teaching courses on gender, sexuality and African American Literature.