Be as specific as possible on the expenses you expect to incur in conjunction with your proposed project. All expenses should be reasonable, realistic and directly related to the activities that will be conducted as part of the project. Note: Total does NOT calculate automatically. If additional room is needed to explain your expenses, please include a separate BUDGET JUSTIFICATION page to follow this Budget Sheet in your application package. Please submit ALL budget request at least two weeks in advance! The department chair will review your request with consideration for the overall operational budget

Summary of Request
Provide start and end dates.
Please describe a summary for which you are requesting money and provide how the funds contribute to (1) your work, and (2) the aims of AFAS.
If you are uncertain about the precise number of participants, please provide an approximate number.
Budget Request
Please provide a breakdown of your requested funding using the categories below. You can add categories under the miscellaneous section.
Provide a description of each category in the above budget, including calculations and a brief explanation of the expenditure.
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